
ATK Bindings 2025

ATK have somewhat streamlined their alpine touring bindings for 2025, and there are now only 27 models to choose from!
That's still quite a choice, but ATK have always put a lot of effort into explaining the characteristics and the technical features that they include.


Ski Touring Gear List

A list of what's essential when touring is always useful. It's so easy to leave something at home or in the car, so best to have a quick check list of what's required for a successful and safe trip, whether you're heading out for a quick morning circuit or a longer trip.


Scarpa F1 GT & F1 XT 2023 Boot Test

Scarpa revolutionised what was possible with a lightweight alpine touring boot when they released the F1 boots, which rapidly became the best selling model in this category. 


Ski Geometry - Shape & Flex

This blog explains why modern skis are the shape they are.
We’ll start from the basics and build from there. We’ll look at the skis from the top, the plan view, and then from the side, and then see what to look for when choosing a ski for the type of skiing you'll be doing. 


Fischer Nordic Touring 2022 Skis

Fischer are the leaders in nordic touring skis with no less than 12 models dedicated to this discipline.


Ski Touring 101 Boots 2024

Alpine touring boots can be divided into three categories depending what style of ski touring you'll be doing.
RACE boots are very light, extremely expensive, moderately uncomfortable and often pretty fragile!!


Ski Touring 101 Bindings 2024

This blog explains how to choose your 1st pair of bindings to start ski touring.
For simplicity we can divide ski touring ski, boots and bindings into three categories, RACE, EFFICIENT and FREE RANDO.


Ski Touring 101 Skis 2024

Ski touring is an exhilarating way to travel in the mountains in the winter, but deciding which gear you need when starting can be daunting. The gear is quite complicated and geeky, there's lots of choice, and exactly how you'd like to tour determines the type of skis, boots and bindings that wil


Blue Ice Choucas Pro Test Report

Silvio has been testing the Blue Ice Choucas Pro harness this summer, here is his review:

I'll be honest with you, I really like gear. As soon as there is something new, I observe it, study it, and comment on it with my colleagues at TP.


Marker Binding News Winter 2021

Marker have been busy developing new technologies showcased in their new models and improvements to existing bindings for winter 20/21.


Scarpa Ribelle Tech 2.0 HD - Scarpa's hi tech alpine boot

The following text is based upon the presentation made by Francesco Favilli, Scarpa brand manager for their mountain boots, at the ISPO trade show, January 2020. Telemark Pyrenees is pleased to be one of the first retailers to receive these hi tech alpine boots.


The M Equipment Meidjo 2.1 with STEP-IN

Pierre at The M Equipment has updated the design of the binding springbox so that this winter's Meidjo 2.1 bindings now have a fully automatic step-in function. Getting into the bindings is quick and easy.

