Need help to order?

Please use our secure online order system. We cannot take orders by telephone. Ordering online is easy, quick and secure.

First register yourself and enter, address, country, password etc. to set up your own account. After you have set up the account you can add or subtract goods in the shopping basket as you like. When  you are satisfied with your basket contents, click “Begin the secure checkout”: you will see here the shipping costs according to the contents of your basket and delivery speed - economic, standard or express delivery. There is a comments box after the Shipping Method, which allows you to add any comment necessary to complete your order. The next page allows you to select the payment method - we accept credit cards and bank transfers. Select the payment method. If you chose to pay by credit card, our bank payment module, Credit Mutuel, will open a secure page where you will enter your card details. Upon completion of your payment you will receive an order number and an e-mail confirming the reception of your order. Thanks for your order!!

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